Made a quick compile of my mod manager with support for the Resident Evil 3 demo:

Using the mod manager is straightforward: Unpack the RAR file anywhere, run modmanager.exe, and then drag’n’drop mods in RAR format onto the mod manager window.

For information on how to make mods for the RE3 demo, check out this thread and forum:

2 thoughts on “Mod manager with Resident Evil 3 demo support

  1. Dante Morrow says:

    Hi Fluffy!

    I installed the mod manager before the RE3 demo came out, but it doesn’t include the RE3 demo on the Game List.

    Would i need to download this one and delete the one I currently have in order to mod the RE3 demo?

    • FluffyQuack says:

      Sorry for the late reply, but yes, you need the latest WIP to mod the demo. Just unpack where your mod manager is and let it overwrite files. If you don’t see RE3 demo in the “choose game” list, then scroll all the way down and select the option for hiding/showing games and make sure RE3 demo is set to visible.

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