Changes: -Increase health of all majini by 25% or 50% -Make a few majini turn into duvalia -Items and time bonuses not changed -Boss spawn files taken from no merc -Add spider las plagas -Add bowsguns, a few dynamite and more pipes to majini -Add big man majini -Add Allyson to final wave -Total amount of active enemies increased from 12 to 22 Positions for spiders: 8F F6 5F 44 3E 43 4B 42 AE AA 82 C3 0D B5 44 44 64 32 48 42 06 B5 A9 C4 4D 8D 1C 44 52 22 52 42 35 E0 FA C4 96 AC 04 44 A9 72 53 42 A3 E8 23 C5 D1 CA C4 43 10 EC 4F 42 F8 20 41 C5 46 58 57 44 FC 97 50 42 3B C6 AD 42 C2 E3 57 44 04 51 56 42 1A 19 82 44 DONE: -em01 all done -em02 all done -em03 all done -em04 all done -em05 all done -em09 all done -3 enemies removed from em00 (chicken moved back 2 entries) -gold item link in item file changed from 0A to 08 -emsetarea0 and 1 edited with a few 0C changed to 16 which means now that 22 total enemies will be active instead of 12. -All big man majini uses this spawn position to make sure they can navigate to player area: F3 3E 0F 45 00 00 48 42 19 18 91 C4 -em09 taken from no mercy, but emsetboss take from s406 normal mercs. Both have 6 enemies, but with no mercy no mercy emsetboss the last 3 bosses wouldn't spawn. Changes to each em file: em01 (spawns first) 1 dynamite 2 bowguns 3 pipes 4 big man majini (1 pipe, 2 nothing, 1 bowgun) 4 spider las plagas em02 (spawns second) 3 bowguns 4 pipes 5 big man majini (1 adze, 1 pipe, 2 nothing, 1 bowgun) 1 duvalia em03 (spawns first) 1 dynamite 2 bowguns 3 pipes 4 big man majini (1 pipe, 2 nothing, 1 bowgun) 4 spider las plagas em04 (spawns second) 3 bowguns 4 pipes 5 big man majini (1 adze, 1 pipe, 2 nothing, 1 bowgun) 1 duvalia em05 (spawns last) 1 dynamite 1 bowguns 3 pipes 8 big man majini (2 adze, 2 pipe, 2 nothing, 2 bowgun) 1 allyson 1 duvalia em09 (bosses) taken from no mercy (6 bosses total) last boss turned into red executioner